Thursday, March 22, 2018

Roma - Day 1

Monday, March 19, 2018 - continued - Rome

We started right away with our first stop, one of the 4 major bascilicas in Rome:  Basilica San Paolo or the Bascilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls.  I had forgotten some of the details and learned a few more.  For example, there are images of every Pope along the top of the ceiling.  It was very powerful to realize how many successors to St. Peter there have been.  There is a special area to pray in front of the tomb of St. Paul, and we happened to be there when a cardinal was celebrating Mass, so we heard beautiful music from a choir as we prayed. 

This was also where we were able to celebrate Mass in a side chapel.  Due to construction and/or other  groups, we used the altar in the baptistery of the church for our Mass.  It was an incredibly intimate space and it was powerful to contemplate the beginning of our pilgrimage on the Feast of St. Joseph.  The reflection for the day in our prayer booklets reminded us that St. Joseph is a great example of submission to the Will of God.  St. Joseph had a plan to wed Mary, but after she was pregnant, his plans changed as he intended to separate from her, though doing it quietly.  God took  St. Joseph's plans and revealed an even greater plan for his life - foster-father to the Son of God.  We can learn from St. Joseph how to submit ourselves to God's Will, which goes beyond our wildest imaginings.

After that, we bussed to our hotel, checked in and started exploring Rome.  Grabbed some pizza (potato pizza is a new one for me!) and did some shopping.  Then we trekked to St. Philip Neri (Santa Maria or Chiesa Nuova) and St. Ignatius of Loyla (Santa Ignazio) Churches.  Both churches are incredibly beautiful with lots of decoration, side altars, and amazing art.  

We walked back to our hotel, across the Tiber River, past the Castel San Angelo, through St. Peter's Square.  Dinner was a wonderful affair with several delicious courses and lots of laughs.  The foccacia was especially delicious :-).  Delirium began to set in (at least for me) and it was back to the hotel, shower and bed.  What a day!

More pictures will be added after they have been somewhat curated!

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