Sunday, October 27, 2013

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Quick recap:
1st reading - Sirach - God hears every prayer, there are no favorites.
Psalm 34 - The Lord hears the cry of the poor
Epistle - 2 Timothy - persistence
Gospel - Luke 18 - Pharisee and tax collector pray - reminders on how to pray and how not to pray

We've been hearing about prayer for several weeks now, and I think we should take note of that.  When something is repeated, it is usually to drive the message home:  This is IMPORTANT!  In the Gospels from the past weeks, we've heard how prayer is not optional (it is part of our lives - see reflection), how our gratitude in prayer is, "an expression of faith" (see reflection), and most recently about persistence in prayer (see reflection).  Today's discourse on prayer gives us even more to consider.

In the first reading and in the Psalm, we are assured that God hears our prayer.  I especially appreciate the reminder that God doesn't play favorites.  The reality is that those who are poor (poor in material wealth, struggling, oppressed, etc.) are more likely to reach out to God, whereas those who rely on themselves live (and pray) as though they don't need God.  The Gospel illustrates two types of 'pray-ers' - the Pharisee and the tax collector.  If you were to judge on outward appearances alone, it would appear that the Pharisee is doing all of the right motions.  However, the heart of the Pharisee is untouched.  How often do we simply go through the motions?  When we pray, are we praying to check something off of our to-do list, or our we seeking a relationship with God?  The tax collector, who would have been socially shunned, is honest with God and with himself.  One of the petitions found in Living Liturgy sums this up well, "That each of us here always pray in such a way that we are honest before God and live in such a way that we are honest before each other" (Living Liturgy 2013).  Are we honest before God?  Yes, God knows all, but God wants us to trust God with our burdens.  Just like Mom always knew who really tracked in the dirt or broke the vase, God would like us to bring our problems to God, instead of attempting to cover them up.  I was also intrigued by the second part of that prayer - '. . . that we live in such a way that we are honest before each other'.  If I can lie to myself, I will lie to those around me.  Are my actions honest?  Am I living out what I proclaim?

Prayer - God, help me to pray.  I want my inward life to match my outward appearance.  I know that until I match those things up, I cannot truly live in right relationship with You or with my neighbor.  Help me see what needs fixing without becoming discouraged and hopeless.  I trust in Your Wisdom.

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