Tuesday, October 22, 2013


"Brothers and sisters, do not be weary in doing what is right."  2 Thessalonians 3:13 NRSVCE

This was in the morning prayer yesterday, and it stuck with me through the day.  How true it is that we can become weary in doing what we are to do.  I think of all the little things that push my buttons, and this verse reaffirms that we are to continue doing what we know is right.  Keep on keepin' on.  For it is in the small things where we grow, so that we are able to survive the big challenges.

Again with the health comparison - if you want to run/walk a 5K for the first time ever, you don't (or you shouldn't) just get up the day of the race and go sign up.  First off, you won't get your t-shirt, and second (and more importantly) you are not prepared.  This verse speaks to the small tasks, behind-the-scenes, that challenge us.  That is when our strength is developed and our stamina is cultivated.  So, when it comes time for the race or the challenge, we are prepared.

Challenge - today, when thoughts of discouragement creep in, banish them away.  Recognize that we can be weary, but we have a greater goal that we wish to achieve.  And, we are not in this alone!

Prayer - Lord, my human self is easily tired and distracted.  I let the smallest things derail my focus.  I don't want to lose sight of You.  Help me to accept Your Grace so I may win the battle over those buzzing worries.  They are opportunities for me to live for YOU by doing what is right.

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