Tuesday, October 01, 2013


Why do I exercise?

I recently was asked this question at my gym.  We are in the midst of the "Stupendous Chase" - trekking across the U.S.A. in teams of 4 - and our leader wanted to know the answer to this question.  My first response was, duh, 'To win . . . 'cause it's a competition.'  I know that's only a short term answer; yes, we have a great activity with competition and camaraderie, but what happens after that?  If I don't have some internal motivation, where will I go from here?

So, I wanted to start back at the beginning.  Not exactly sure that I had one particular moment of precise clarity.  Rather, it was more of a general awakening to my life and current circumstances.  I wasn't happy.  Not that was I miserable or particularly un-happy, but I wasn't a happy person.  Sometimes it was a struggle to move (mentally more-so than physically), and I had bouts of depression, laced with apathy and overall tiredness.  Life felt blah.  Little by little, I started attempting change.  My parents were a big support and source of encouragement.  I was ready for a change, and they provided the push to get me started.  My niece, Tasha, was another influence.  She was interested in health and wellness, and we would talk about apps like MyFitnessPal and I just knew that after her shoulder healed, we would become work-out buddies (with her likely pushing me to test my limits and stamina!).  She died in a car accident that July, and my goal became a little more clear and a lot more dear to me.  Grief decreased my appetite for a while, so I got a bit of an unintended jump start on my journey.  Then I was invited to participate in a Couch to 5K.  Talk about terrifying.  But with other family members participating, I decided that this was the next step.  I'd always wanted to do a race, although it seemed very far-fetched.  Towards the end of that training program, I learned about a program at my gym called 'Choose to Lose'.  This was an amazing 16 week program with great teachers and I learned so much.  Before that time, I didn't realize how much I was hurting my own body with poor choices in food.  I had been in a vicious cycle - I would eat something (such as greasy pizza or empty-calorie donut), then feel yucky and lack energy, so I wouldn't get up and move, let alone exercise, and then I would get lethargic and try to fill the void with more bad food.  Rinse, repeat, and go deeper into the spiral.  In our classes, I was exposed to exercise and good nutrition.  For a while I went kind of crazy with my food journal and meal plans.  It felt good to be in control of food, instead of the other way around.

It's been a year since that class, and I feel great.  I'm still on the healthy lifestyle path, and I know that I will be for the rest of my life.  This is not a destination, it's a journey.  I've had a few detours and roadblocks, but I'm happy with me.  Although ignorance is bliss, I can't mindlessly eat junk food anymore.  If I do, my body cannot function at its best, and that has become more important to me.  I want to become the best version of myself in all areas - physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.  Exercise is a part of that equation.  I believe I was created by God for a purpose, and I can more fully respond to that call when I am whole and healthy.

So, why do I exercise?  Because it is the right thing to do.  Because I want to do more 5Ks.  Because I like how I feel when I'm healthy.  Because I want to do more than I thought possible.  Because God created me to do things that only I can do.  I joined the Stupendous Chase for the motivation to keep going.  But I'm going to keep exercising because I'm worth it.  I can't wait to see what the future holds!

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