Monday, September 30, 2013

Learning the Mass - the homily

The homily just finished.  What is your first thought?  It could be any number of reactions:
-'Finally done!'
-'Well said.'
-'Took long enough.'
-'Hmm, well it's 10:50 now, so we should be out of here in time for . . . '
-'Excellent topic - I wish so-and-so would have been here to hear this.'
-'Let's see what the song will be for presentation.'
-'Better hurry up and find the words of the Creed.'

Hopefully, these are rare responses to the homily, because our response should be to internalize the message.  Whether you have some moments of silence immediately after the homily, or whether you take time to reflect after Mass or as you return home, we are called to ponder what we heard.  We must consider the homily as the opportunity to delve deeper into the Liturgy of the Word.  Hopefully, we are in the habit of preparing before Mass, including reading the Scripture.  If so, we can more easily connect the points of the homily to the message of Jesus.  Ultimately, the homily calls us to reflect on our lives and to act according to Jesus' teachings.  So, unlike attending a lecture or business presentation, we are to respond honestly to what we heard.

Challenge - the next time you are at Mass and the homily has just ended, focus on one thing you heard.  How can you incorporate that into your life?  How are you doing in regards to Jesus' teaching?  Is that an area that needs some attention?  Be honest.

Prayer - I am a work in progress, and I am often challenged by my wandering mind.  Help me to focus on the message You have for me.  I want to be attentive and open to Your Word.

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