Saturday, September 14, 2013

23rd Sunday follow-up

It's been a busy week, so I'm a little slow in getting these notes posted.  This is a follow-up to the 23rd Sunday post, after I heard some excellent homily points that I wanted to remember.

First, we heard a story about an influential sports figure who always wore a pendant that said "I am 3rd".  This was to remind him that the priorities in his life should be 1-God, 2-Family & Friends, 3-Self.  I found that to be a great eye-opener for me.  How many of my petty frustrations would be resolved if I simply kept that order in my thoughts and actions?

Another item related to our call to trust God in all things.  Trust was described as starting and ending with the cross (t) and you (u) in the middle.  Doesn't get much more to-the-point than that!

Finally, the original meaning of the word 'hate' was addressed.  Our understanding of its use is limited by our modern day use and meaning.  In the original form, the word meant 'to love less'.  So it's not 'hate' as we think of it today, but rather a reminder that we are to love God first and foremost.  We should not love anything else more than we love God.  The 'hate' of Luke 14:26, is really a reminder to keep God first.  We love friends and family, but we should not love them more than God.  This ties nicely with the 'I am 3rd' mentality.  God is always first.

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