Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Thankful Thursday 9-5

I am very thankful for support.  I have a great group of women with whom I meet every week, and they are such a blessing.  I can trust them with my ups and downs, and I know they share my joys and my struggles.  They keep me accountable, on track (mostly), and they love me as I am.  If you do not have a group such as this, I strongly recommend you fix that immediately.  Life has such a brighter outlook when you surround yourself with like-minded people.  For me, my group is where I 'check-in' - am I actually practicing what I preach?  Did I really listen to the Scripture on Sunday, or was I too busy with my own plans?  Did I stumble?  Do I need a gentle nudge or a sharp poke in the ribs - my group can supply either one, depending on my level of feisty-ness!

How do you find such a group?  First, you've got to be one of those people.  If you want upbeat, faith-filled Christians in your group, you need to be one!  Second, get involved.  For me, this particular group came out of my Catholics Encounter Christ weekend.  However, you can make connections with people from your church, bible study, a retreat, or among your friends.  Third, just do it.  Meet regularly.  Even when you don't feel like it.  (Hint - that's probably when you need it the most.  At least that's how it works for me!)

Prayer - Lord, I think I don't have time to do any more, but I forget that neglecting my faith-life is a very dangerous corner to cut.  Help me see the need for balance in my life, and to appreciate the blessings of those who help me to keep that balance.  When life goes off-kilter, I know You are there, and You have placed people in my life to support me.  For this I am grateful.

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