Tuesday, September 03, 2013


This has been my go-to song since I went to the Tenth Avenue North concert (see post, lyrics, and music video here).  As I was driving back from my parents, I played this song over and over so I could learn all of the notes and words.  The message, the honesty, the melody; I love it all.  While I'm driving and thoroughly enjoying this music, I think to myself, 'This is a song I would want to have when I struggle.'  See, on that Sunday morning, life was great.  I had just spent time with family, had a nice change of scenery, and was excited to get back to Newman for Mass and a Baptism.  I enjoyed the song, but perhaps from more of a distance; the way one might appreciate a work of art.

Fast forward to the present.  I'm working on a big project that takes all of my free time, and it hasn't been smooth sailing.  Work was both a 'Monday' and a 'Tuesday' combined - double-whammy of stuff to accomplish.  My to do lists are growing like weeds and multiplying like rabbits (don't ask me how).  My phone keeps receiving emails and texts from people who need things - information, my time, my knowledge.  Now none of this is catastrophic by any means.  But when you add it all together, it's a bit . . . well . . . wearing.

I found this interesting in two ways.  One - the reminder to enjoy right now, because things can and will change.  I certainly wasn't praying for the opportunity to use that song as my prayer.  I wasn't secretly hoping to be in the position of feeling worn.  I am, however, thankful that I had discovered this song which so eloquently expressed my thoughts.  Which leads me to number two - even though my current predicament is frustrating - it is 'small potatoes'.  There are so many worse things which I could be facing.  But that is exactly what is so amazing about this song, and even more awesome about our God.  Everything is relative, and perspective is a good thing, however, in that moment, I was tired.  But I could relate to this song on so many levels, from the superficial stresses, to the loss of my niece, to whatever challenge I am facing right now.  Big or small, it fits.  Same goes for God.  I can trust God with my struggles, with my fears, my pain, my loss, my petty grievances, my anger - all of it!  God wants me to give it all - big or small, insignificant or life-changing.  So whether my soul feels crushed because of sin, imbalance in my life, or too many things on my to-do list, God is right here, with arms open, waiting for me to release my burden.

Prayer - God, I am worn.  Today it is the small things I have let build up.  I have allowed distractions to take my focus off of You.  Help me re-balance myself in You by letting go of my burdens, big and small.  I can trust You with all parts of my life, even the frustrating and mundane.  Help me seek You at all times.

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