Wednesday, September 18, 2013

When the lights went out

Okay - this isn't a dramatic story of a big ice storm or dangerous tornado.  It's actually rather mundane, and that's why I think it's worth noting.  Let me explain.

It was a Monday (in more ways than just the day of the week).  It had been an extremely busy day at work, filled with lots of catching up and unexpected meetings that took time I needed to spend on other projects.  I worked late, and just had the urge to go home and veg out.  I even stopped to pick up some microwave popcorn, as I thought I 'deserved' a reward.

I came up to my driveway and hit my garage door button.  Nothing.  Okay, the button can be temperamental.  Tried it again.  Nope.  Sitting in front of the garage door - definitely in range.  Nada.  So I get out, open the car door and unlock my people door to the garage.  I've already started thinking about how this is an inconvenience, and tomorrow morning I'm going to have to put the door up from the inside, back out, go back in and put the door down, then go out through the people door.  Well, I push the button inside the garage.  Nothing.  Now I'm really puzzled.  I look up at the ceiling (you know, in case the garage door opener has a neon sign explaining why it won't cooperate), but don't see random pieces hanging at odd angles.

I get a bad feeling in my stomach, and I go to look at my freezer.  No light.  I look at the outlet where the freezer is plugged in.  My mind must be playing tricks on me - if the freezer is plugged in, the light should be on.  Then it sinks in - no power.

Great - just what I wanted after a crazy day.  A day where I worked at not being stressed out, even with so many things needing my attention.  I was good!  I didn't get frustrated with co-workers, I tried to be gracious with interruptions, and this is the thanks I get?  Not my finest response, but it was very human.

As I went to check out the breaker box (while still turning on light switches out of habit), I thought about all the things "I" planned to get done.  None of them could be accomplished without electricity.  This day was throwing more wrenches into my plans than I thought possible.  Couldn't I get a break?  I checked everything I knew to check, called in my outage, and then I called my sister.  I wanted some advice and a ear for my whining.  First things first - did I pay my electric bill?  Ha ha.  Not the response I was looking for.  "Yes, I did," I responded.  Next step - check with the neighbors.  Yep - no power there either.  I felt a little better.  I wasn't in this alone.  My sister is being a good listener, up until I complain that I can't do anything without electricity.  As soon as I said it - I knew I left myself wide open for her next comment.  I knew, I just knew that she would tell me I could always pray.  She said, "Maybe God was trying to tell you something."  Okay - here it comes, I should pray, I shouldn't complain, keep things in perspective, etc.  But her next sentence wasn't what I expected.

"Maybe the electricity went out so you would call me and I could hear your voice on a Monday."  Wait, what?  Here I was all wrapped up in my 'problems', and my sister was just happy that I called her on a Monday (our typical day to talk is Wednesday).  That threw me off.  She was happy to hear from me.  We shared our mutual 'case of the Mondays' stories, and I felt so much better.  If the lights hadn't stopped working (along with every other electronic gadget in my home), I wouldn't have reached out to her and the chance for sharing each others burdens would have been missed.

I know, nothing earth-shattering about this story, and that's why it hits me even more.  Life isn't point A to point B alone.  It all the in-between stuff as well.  Sometimes it's big and sometimes it's small.  And sometimes it's dark, but that can be okay too :-)

Prayer - Lord, help me to shut off the distractions in my life.  Sometimes I need a reminder that connecting with another person is more important than my to-do list.  I have opportunities all around me, but I don't always take advantages of those times, especially when they are disguised as inconveniences or disruptions to my plans.  Help me rely on Your plan and Your timing.  

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