Sunday, September 28, 2014

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - mercy

Quick recap:
1st Reading - Ezekial - turn from wickedness to what is right and just
Psalm 25 - Remember your mercies, O Lord.
Epistle - Philippians 2 - regard others as more important than yourself (humility)
Gospel - Matthew 21 - Will you change your mind and embrace God's mercy, or will you be stubborn?

Today's Gospel outlines the story of a man and his 2 sons. He asks them both to go work in the vineyard. The fist son says no, but then changes his mind and goes out. The second son says yes, but did not go. Thus, on the surface, the second son appears to be more obedient, while in reality, the first son is the one who actually obeyed his father.  

In my opinion, this shows that we can change our mind and our response to God. Perhaps God is nudging you or me to do something more, to get up early so we have time to pray, or encouraging us to pray for a friend or take a meal to someone. We may resist the call or say no, but we can (and should) change our minds. Growing in our faith should not be optional!

I read a great reflection in the Magnificat by Saint John Vianney. He admonishes the lukewarm condition - a sinner who repents has less to fear than the lukewarm who seem to be good. "Alas, my friends, there are many who, in the eyes of the world, appear to be good Christians, but in the sight of God, who knows our intentions, are but lukewarm . . . .there is no state so much to be feared for a person as that of lukewarmness, because a great sinner is more easily converted than a lukewarm soul."  

If we only embrace God's mercy, we can move beyond the lukewarm state. No matter how many times we have said, "No" or turned away, we are welcomed back. We are called to extend God's mercy to others, so that all may know and experience our loving God.  

Prayer - Lord, thank you for your gift of mercy, which tempers what we truly deserve. Help us to show mercy to those we meet, reflecting You in all we do.

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