Sunday, September 14, 2014

Thankful Thursday 9/11/14 - never forget

This post is overdue, I know.  There are so many things for which to be thankful, but 9/11 reminds me of the value of life.  I need to live each day completely, as I may not be here tomorrow.  I also need to live each day ready to die.  That means my soul needs to be prepared, and my actions should reflect the state of my soul.  I'm not trying to be dramatic or induce a panic.  The reality is we don't know when we will die.  Sure, we have life-expectancies, and many of us will meet or exceed them.  However, there are accidents, and misfortunes, and evil that is a part of our world as well.

We probably all know the story of someone who was in the towers, or was supposed to be in the towers.  Life is fleeting.  9/11 makes me want to simultaneously collect all of my friends and family and hug them like I'll never see them again, and go out and live life fully, pushing the boundaries of what I thought I could do.  Confusing?  Yep.  The emotional response to such a tragic event is both the need to hold on to what we have, sometimes too tightly, and to throw caution to the wind.  I think of it as a see-saw, trying to balance what we think we can control and also doing something that takes away our control.  Like stock-piling food to prepare for the worst and then going sky-diving to feel really alive.

We are told that death is not the end; rather it is the continuation of our eternal life (hopefully) with God.  I want to live in a way that leads to God.  So, on the anniversary of 9/11, I am thankful for life.  I have an amazing gift that is mine to squander or multiply.  Will I spend my time hoarding what I think I can control or will I live each day to the best of my ability, confident in Christ?  Only time will tell.    

Prayer - Lord, my heart aches for the grieving and loss in our world.  I pray for healing for all who struggle with any loss.  Help us to know that death is not the end.  Grant us joy in the midst of sorrow.

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