Sunday, March 08, 2015

Jesus in a friend

I recently had two encounters with dear ones who were Christ personified for me.  Whether by intuition, divine intervention, or being in the wrong (or right) place at the right time, they were each Christ.  I don't have a poker face, so perhaps my pain was evident, or maybe the chaos of life right now was reflected in my eyes.  Either way, I was approached, and asked how I was.  Who knew such a trite question could be a vehicle of God's love?  I responded to the underlying love and concern, ready to share my burden, even if I didn't know how.  The verse from Proverbs comes to mind:  "A friend is a friend at all times, and a brother is born for the time of adversity."  ~Proverbs 17:17  In their faces I saw Christ's love.  In their eyes I felt the compassion of the Spirit.  In their hugs I knew the Father's grace.  

Thank you, Lord, for using Your people to express Your love to the world.  

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