Monday, March 09, 2015

Psalm 31

I was one again doubting many things:  God,  myself, and my faith.  I had spent a portion of the day criticizing myself for bad choices, and more time worrying about things beyond my control!   As I briefly texted a friend, I was certainly living moment to moment because I was engulfed in chaos.  Unable to sort things out myself,  I wisely decided to consult God.  I was partaking in the wonderful opportunity of adoration in front of the exposed Blessed Sacrament after mass, and I was perusing some devotionals I brought along.  Flipping through one book,  the following words caught my eye:  "So what's worrying you today?  Are you trying to take care of it yourself?  Or are you praying Psalm 31?"

Taking the hint, I quickly looked up the psalm in question, and I smiled.  It is titled, "Prayer in Distress and Thanksgiving for Escape."  How appropriate.  I recommend this for any time of stress and worry, especially the 2nd part, which begins, "Be gracious to me, Lord, for I am in distress; affliction is wearing down my eyes, my throat and my insides.  My life is worn out by sorrow, and my years by sighing.  My strength fails in my affliction; my bones are wearing down."  ~Psalm 31:10-11  The entire psalm was a great reminder that 1) distress is not new and 2) in the midst of distress, one can and should continue to praise God.

Side note - verse 6a of this psalm, "Into your hands I commend my spirit," is referenced in Luke 23:46 when Jesus breathes His last.  Helps put my stress into perspective :)  

Lord, thank you for the beauty of Scripture.  Help me remember that I can always find solace, direction, and love through Your Word.  

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