Sunday, November 23, 2008

Big News

Why is it that we define our lives by news?  Usually the kinds of news that is good - a new job, a promotion, a  much-anticipated baby - is welcomed.  Maybe it is news that is bittersweet - the expected death of one who lived life well, or a close friend or family member who is moving away.  Perhaps the news appears devastating - medical illness, a tragic death, the loss of a job, or unexpected circumstances.  But it is the big news that seemingly shapes our lives.  The smaller stuff - favorite books or movies, talk about coming Holidays, what's for dinner - doesn't register on the radar.   But do we really recognize that big news, of any type, is an opportunity for us?  An opportunity to grow into the person we are called to be.  It's easier to see that opportunity with good news.  The emotional high and happiness that comes with good news is addicting.  Everyone congratulates us and wishes us well.  We bask in the feelings of pride and achievement.  And if the news is bittersweet, we console ourselves and eventually move on.  But when the news is not what we want to hear, it is nearly impossible to feel anything but despair.  We may become melancholy or even deny the situation, entirely missing the opportunity within.  While each circumstance is different, there is a grieving process involved.  If we open our minds and hearts to the opportunity, we will eventually be able to see it.  It takes time and it takes practice, and it is not easy.  Our lives appear to halt, until we can face the situation.  But we must have hope and faith, believing that the purpose is there.  For without hope, we cannot go on.  Without faith, life loses meaning.  And finally, we must trust.  Trust that there is a purpose for things we don't understand, and a reason for situations we cannot control, and an opportunity to be discovered, even in the midst of tragedy.  

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