Saturday, November 22, 2008


Tick-tock, tick-tock. It's 2 in the morning, and all I can hear is my ticking clock, reminding me of all the seconds going by when I could have been sleeping. And what's worse, I have the starts of a lovely head cold, so I went to bed early (yesterday? several hours ago?). And then, I am woken up by my neighbor, calling for her cat, outside my bedroom window. Me, being the light sleeper that I am, woke up. Me, also being of confused mind, has a brain that says 'I'm awake, time to start thinking of all the things that have to be done, what I need to do at work, when I'm going to finish my homework, remembering that I haven't done this yet, etc. etc. etc.'. To add insult to injury, I am sitting in my chair, blowing my nose like it's the fashionable thing to have a red, sore nose, wishing I was in bed, thinking that everything is rather peaceful at 2 AM, and LISTENING TO MY CLOCK! I can't think of a worse sound to focus on. Every tick reminds me that I should be in bed, that tomorrow is going to be a long day, and I need sleep to fight this cold. Yes, those are all true thoughts. But what about the gift of another second? Okay, this is a hard sell, especially in the middle of the night. I'd much rather be sleeping. But think about it. I have been given another second to be alive, to appreciate the gifts I have been given, and the time I have to use wisely. It's hard to stop and appreciate the gift of time anymore, especially with cell phones and electronic clocks. Not much is around that goes tick-tock. And while right now that sound grates on my nerves, there is some good behind it. I am alive (not a gift to be taken for granted). I have a fresh start, and I can choose my attitude. Besides, we all know that it is harder to fall asleep if one is grumpy. So what do I have to gain by being upset? More sleeplessness??? And once I get passed the frustration and the focus on my so-called problems, something else occurs to me. I have been given an opportunity to pray. What?! Who thinks about praying at 2 AM? Not me, usually. But obviously there is something important to pray about. The possibilities are astounding, and, in comparison, they make my moments of sleeplessness seem less catastrophic. So while I can't promise that the next time I wake up in the middle of the night, for whatever reason, that I will immediately begin to pray, I can try. And that's almost as good as doing it.

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