Monday, November 03, 2008

One step at a time

You can only give of yourself if you know what you have to give.  That makes sense.  I can't give that which I don't know exists.  I also can't give of that which I have depleted.  So, if I am to use my gifts appropriately and to their fullest capacity, I must identify what they are, and take care of them (and myself).  I believe that everyone has gifts and talents that they are called to share.  Unfortunately, however, we don't always hear or understand that call.  In the jumble of our busy lives, it may go unnoticed, or ignored.  An opportunity passes by, without us ever realizing.  How can we be open to that call, if we are not first open to the possibility?  Our hearts and minds must be prepared so we do not miss it.  This requires a commitment on our part; a commitment to our faith and to the belief that we have a responsibility to share.  Our lives are not meant to  be lived in isolation.  We worship in community for a reason:  we must help each other.  Sometimes that means we need to rely on others, so they can use their gifts and talents.  Other times, we are the ones who must step up and support those around us.  But this participation must be precipitated by a heart that is open to the call.  How does one open one's heart to such a call?  Through education and understanding.  How can we even begin to hope to understand God, if we are not reading God's Word and praying daily?  Without those tools to give us insight into God's call, our task would seem overwhelming.  Instead, we have a patient God, who meets us where we are and gives us the desire and graces we need, if we only ask.    

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