Sunday, December 22, 2013

4th Sunday of Advent - God is with us

Quick recap:
1st reading - Isaiah 7 - Ahaz is not trusting God, and answers with false humility that he will not ask for a sign from God.  Isaiah's response is the prophecy of Jesus Christ!
Psalm 24 - Let the Lord enter; he is king of glory.
Epistle - Romans 1 - we are called to be holy apostles.
Gospel - Matthew 1 - Joseph's encounter with the angel after learning Mary was pregnant.

Emmanuel means "God is with us."  Jesus means "God saves the people from their sins."  According to Living Liturgy 2014, "the names reveal that the very Presence of God among us is a saving Presence."  What an amazing gift we have in Christ.  We also hear references to the role of the Holy Spirit.  We have learned of the willingness of Joseph and Mary to cooperate with the Holy Spirit.  Today, we are called to continue to that saving work by our participation with the Spirit.  In the psalm, we proclaim our anticipation for our Lord.  May we not lose sight of this joy throughout our lives.

Prayer - Lord, ready or not, Christmas is upon us.  May we pause in our frantic, last-minute tasks to appreciate the celebration of the amazing mystery that is about to unfold.  Mary and Joseph's cooperation in God's plan of salvation can be continued today in my "yes" to Your call.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Thankful Thursday 12/19 - The day I lost it

Ready or not, Christmas is almost here. So even though I inevitably have stress over some aspect of the holidays, I want to enjoy this season and immerse myself in its many gifts and blessings.
Therefore, I am thankful for the chaos that seems to go hand in hand with this time of year, if only because it signifies the bigger picture.

So, I have a little story about seeing the bigger picture.  It starts with a lovely lunch, visiting with friends.  We said our goodbyes, and slowly gathered up our gloves and coats since it was a bitter day.  I was the last to leave, and as I made my way to the door, I did the requisite check of phone, purse, keys.  Hmm, no keys.  I proceeded to check my coat pockets, purse, the booth where we sat, and my path in the building.  Nothing.  I walked to my car and peered inside - did they get locked in?  I couldn't tell.  Back inside, I asked if anyone had turned in some keys.  My mounting fear was proving true.  I was stuck.  My frantic prayers to St. Anthony were not providing instant results.  Trying not to panic, I called my brother and asked for a ride.  He came and got me, and we got my spare house key from his house, and then my spare car key from my house and returned to the scene.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Small blessings

I can't see things getting much better right now.  Tonight is a perfect Advent evening.  Mr. J and I are hanging out, and he once again reminds me that the simple things are enough.  He is currently asleep on my lap, Christmas music is playing, and the only light is the Christmas tree.  When did life get so complicated and busy?  It takes the eyes of a child to really see. 

[Interrupt for a doorbell that woke the sleeping baby :(]

After the rude awakening, we managed some snuggles, but Mr. J has since left and I am free to type with both hands.  As I was holding him, my thinking varied between enjoyment and reverence to mental to-do lists and plans of attack for said list.  I did wonder why the 'stuff' mattered so much?  Yes, I have things to do and places to be, but none of them are more important than taking a moment to give thanks to God for such a blessing as tonight.  

Prayer - Lord, thank you for the simple blessings.  Help me to recognize and appreciate them when they happen.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Reconciliation - it is a blessing

Today I participated in the reconciliation service.  I played piano, sang, prayed, and cried - it was wonderful!   I don't know what made this experience so moving.  I suspect there are many factors that came into play, so I'll try to share some here.

1 - It is Advent.  We keep hearing that this is the time of preparation.  We are in a season of waiting.  But this waiting isn't like the desert of Lent; we anticipate the celebration of Christmas and Christ's physical arrival to our world.  So while we are busy cleaning our homes for Christmas, we should also take time to clean our soul.  It just felt good to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

2 - Bonus piece - it's Gaudete Sunday or Rejoice Sunday.  Since today happens to be the 3rd Sunday in Advent, we mark it with additional rejoicing.  We know Christmas is near, and we celebrate that we are over halfway through our waiting.  I think that just added an extra spirit of joy to the service.

3rd Sunday of Advent - Gaudete Sunday (Rejoice!)

Quick recap:
1st Reading - Isaiah - prophecy about the coming of the Savior
Psalm 146 (with refrain from Isaiah 35) - Lord, come and save us
Epistle - James 5 - be patient as the farmer patiently waits for the growth of the crops
Gospel - Matthew 11 - Fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy of the Savior

Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice!

Today is Gaudete Sunday or Rejoice Sunday.  We mark this as the half-way point in the season of Advent.  We signify today with the pink candle, and we know that Christmas is near.  Thus, the readings reflect the nature of today; they speak of rejoicing, fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy, patience, and hopeful anticipation.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Thankful Thursday 12/12 - Lights

Whew - what a week!  It's been a busy time, but I'm trying to keep my focus where it belongs.  So, I'd like to express gratitude for the small things in my life.  Right now I am sitting in my living room, enjoying the ambiance of my Christmas lights.  There's just something about Christmas lights that brings me peace.  It's probably the only time of the year when I feel that I have to just sit and enjoy this feeling.

Saturday, December 07, 2013

St. Nicholas

December 6 was the Feast of St. Nicholas.  Happy Feast Day!

Prayer - Lord, thank you for the examples of the saints.  May we be unfailing generous, like St. Nicholas, to all of those in need.  Our generosity is one way to give thanks to You..

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Thankful Thursday 12-5

Today I am thankful for anticipation.  I'm excited for my upcoming retreat this weekend with my sister.  I am looking forward to getting my new tablet (which can't get here fast enough!).  I am preparing to celebrate Christmas, which is coming quickly.  And, in the midst of the chaos, I am attempting to prepare myself for Christ's coming.

Prayer - Lord, help me enjoy the anticipation in my life.  Anticipating things is an important part of experiencing them.  Help me to live in this moment as best I can.

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

2nd Sunday of Advent - Fire

Quick recap:
1st Reading - Isaiah - prophecy about the shoot of Jesse
Psalm 72 - Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace for ever
Epistle - Romans 15 - encouraging peace and harmony
Gospel - Matthew 3 - John the Baptist proclaiming repentance.

This weekend, we are reminded to live for the future.  Specifically for the future coming of Jesus Christ.  It's hard to do that.  We have plenty of distractions, tasks, duties, and things that require us to live firmly in the present.  But in the Gospel, John the Baptist spells out what it means to ignore his call to repentance.

In this Gospel, fire is used to illustrate two very different points.  First, that we are to live out our Baptism and our Confirmation, having been baptized in the fire of the Holy Spirit.  Second, we are warned that if we do not produce fruitful lives (good works), then our fate will be to burn in the 'unquenchable fire'.  John the Baptist does not sugar-coat his words, so we should pay attention!  Ignoring this message could put our eternal future in jeopardy.

So, in the midst of our busy schedules, holiday preparations, and everyday tasks, how do we live our lives?  Are we 'on fire' with the Holy Spirit?  Is it evident that we are not of this world?  Or have we lost sight of the bigger picture?  We hear the admonition to 'Keep Christ in Christmas', but we need to also keep Christ's 2nd Coming in mind.  To live for Christ means being ready.  We show our readiness through our good works in our daily lives.  Don't ignore the command of John the Baptist; Now is the time to repent.

Prayer - Lord, may I not lose sight of my need to repent.  When I get caught up in the distractions of life, help me to re-focus on what really matters.