Sunday, December 15, 2013

3rd Sunday of Advent - Gaudete Sunday (Rejoice!)

Quick recap:
1st Reading - Isaiah - prophecy about the coming of the Savior
Psalm 146 (with refrain from Isaiah 35) - Lord, come and save us
Epistle - James 5 - be patient as the farmer patiently waits for the growth of the crops
Gospel - Matthew 11 - Fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy of the Savior

Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice!

Today is Gaudete Sunday or Rejoice Sunday.  We mark this as the half-way point in the season of Advent.  We signify today with the pink candle, and we know that Christmas is near.  Thus, the readings reflect the nature of today; they speak of rejoicing, fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy, patience, and hopeful anticipation.

In the past two weeks, we've heard the call to stay awake and John the Baptist's admonition to repent and prepare for Christ's coming.  While we still have these messages in mind, we add an element of joy.  Our anticipation is growing, and we are preparing to celebrate Christ's birth.

In the Gospel, John's followers question Jesus.  They want to know if Jesus is the "It Guy" or if He is just another prophet.  Should they continue looking, or have they found Him?  Jesus responds by quoting Isaiah (first reading) and telling us that through Jesus' miracles of healing the blind, lame, lepers, deaf, and the dead, we are seeing the fulfillment of the prophet.  In Living Liturgy 2014, we are reminded that as we personally search for Jesus, we need more that just Church teachings to recognize Christ.  In the question of Jesus' identity, ". . . our answer must also come from our own personal experience of Jesus and the good fruit of his life and ministry (Living Liturgy 2014)."  If we do not live according to Jesus' teachings, we do not really know Him, and the search continues.  But when we have personally encountered Christ, we know Him.

And along with our personal experience, we must live Christ so others know Him.  It is not enough to just 'preach' the Gospel, we must live it.  It is through our actions (or non-actions) that others learn about Jesus.  We are called to a lived encounter through prayer and the good works of others and ourselves.

Prayer - We are called to rejoice on this day in our Advent journey.  May we take this opportunity to open our hearts and minds to the joy of Christ and the abundant blessings He wishes to bestow.

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