Tuesday, December 03, 2013

2nd Sunday of Advent - Fire


Quick recap:
1st Reading - Isaiah - prophecy about the shoot of Jesse
Psalm 72 - Justice shall flourish in his time, and fullness of peace for ever
Epistle - Romans 15 - encouraging peace and harmony
Gospel - Matthew 3 - John the Baptist proclaiming repentance.

This weekend, we are reminded to live for the future.  Specifically for the future coming of Jesus Christ.  It's hard to do that.  We have plenty of distractions, tasks, duties, and things that require us to live firmly in the present.  But in the Gospel, John the Baptist spells out what it means to ignore his call to repentance.

In this Gospel, fire is used to illustrate two very different points.  First, that we are to live out our Baptism and our Confirmation, having been baptized in the fire of the Holy Spirit.  Second, we are warned that if we do not produce fruitful lives (good works), then our fate will be to burn in the 'unquenchable fire'.  John the Baptist does not sugar-coat his words, so we should pay attention!  Ignoring this message could put our eternal future in jeopardy.

So, in the midst of our busy schedules, holiday preparations, and everyday tasks, how do we live our lives?  Are we 'on fire' with the Holy Spirit?  Is it evident that we are not of this world?  Or have we lost sight of the bigger picture?  We hear the admonition to 'Keep Christ in Christmas', but we need to also keep Christ's 2nd Coming in mind.  To live for Christ means being ready.  We show our readiness through our good works in our daily lives.  Don't ignore the command of John the Baptist; Now is the time to repent.

Prayer - Lord, may I not lose sight of my need to repent.  When I get caught up in the distractions of life, help me to re-focus on what really matters.

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