Saturday, November 30, 2013

The End . . . and The Beginning

Happy New Year!  

I am not a month early, nor am I looking at a cultural calendar.  The First Sunday of Advent is the beginning of a new liturgical year in the Catholic Church.  So today is a day of reflection on the last year and anticipation of the coming year.

As everyone knows, New Year celebrations often include New Year's resolutions.  Perhaps we can make some spiritual resolutions for this coming liturgical year.  I like new beginnings.  I like the opportunity for a new project, a new challenge, and fresh start.  And yet, at the same time, I'm not a fan of change.  I like some routine to keep me grounded.  So resolutions have always been a bit tricky.  As a procrastinating perfectionist, it's tough.  I put things off, and then feel disappointed when they don't come out 'just so'.  But as I continue in my faith journey, I've gotten better about my procrastination.  A lot of things that used to claim my time just aren't priority any more.  So, I resolve to continue working on my priorities.  My perfectionism has evolved as well.  I do want things to come out as I pictured, but now I'm more flexible with detours and details.  Another area to continue improvement.  

This past year has been a journey, and I'm glad to say that I've changed.  Hopefully, for the better :)  I have the same expectation for this coming year - that I will continue to grow in my faith.  I want to know Jesus more, and I want to radiate God's love in my life.  Surprisingly enough, that happens in the daily grind.  My daily actions provide me the opportunity to live what I believe.  Maybe not as well as I want most days, but the opportunity is always there.  It is in the small, simple tasks that we can build strength, character, and discipline through perseverance.  Not easy, but definitely worth it.

May this new year be a time of blessing and grace for you and your loved ones.

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