Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thankful Thursday 11/14

I am thankful for schedule changes.  While I may not be able to appreciate it at the time it happens, I am generally reminded later that there was a good reason for the delay.  Sometimes it is really frustrating to wait, but if I am aware, I will see how that change more perfectly fits God's plan.

For example, I had an important meeting, and it got delayed by 2 days.  I was not a happy camper.  I wanted to get the issues addressed and was not excited to wait.  But the day after the meeting was originally scheduled, I ended up attending a workshop that gave me some excellent tips to use in my (now) upcoming meeting.  When the speaker was being introduced, I realized the topic on which he was to present, and I just had to smile.  How like God to give me an 'extra' two days so that I could a) work on my patience and b) gain some very helpful skills for this meeting.

Prayer:  God, thank You for the little surprises and unexpected pieces in my day.  Help me to see them as gifts and opportunities rather than frustrations and challenges.  May I never fail to call on You for help in navigating life.

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