Thursday, November 21, 2013

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Quick recap:
1st reading - Maccabees - 7 brothers and their mother arrested and tortured for not renouncing God
Psalm 17 - Lord, when your glory appears, my joy will be fill
Epistle - 2 Thessalonians - the Lord will strengthen and support us when we follow God's call
Gospel - Luke 20 - Sadducees question Jesus about life after death

What happens when we die?  Everyone struggles with this question at some point or many times during our lives.  We may ponder or mortality, or we may have lost a loved one suddenly.  With the loss of the tangible presence, we question the intangible life after.  Today's Gospel has Jesus fielding a question about the technicalities of a woman who was married 7 brothers consecutively.  Jesus reminds them of the much bigger picture.  They are only grasping the details of here and now; Jesus urges them to accept and embrace eternal life.  We hear that ". . . [God] is not God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive."

I find this comforting, especially when I grieve those who have died.  They are alive with Christ, and I will see them again.  I just can't embrace them physically right now.  It is a mystery, but with faith we can trust that our God, a God of love, will be faithful, both now and at the hour of death.

Prayer - Lord, help me to accept with faith the vastness of your death and resurrection.  I cannot comprehend the  enormity of Your gift, but I believe it to be freely given.  I want to say yes to You so I can, too, share in eternal life.

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