Saturday, November 30, 2013

1st Sunday of Advent - Stay awake!

Quick recap:
1st Reading - Isaiah - a rousing reminder to not give up; we are to journey closer to God
Psalm 122 - Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord
Epistle - Romans 13 - stay awake and remember our goal
Gospel - Matthew 24 - be prepared, do not ignore the message of salvation or you may be too late

Now I haven't watched Doomsday Preppers, but I imagine this is the sort of message they would support.  "Be ready!"  "Prepare!"  "Stay alert and vigilant!"  This is the message of today's readings, but I suggest that we keep them in the context of our salvation journey.

Today is the first Sunday of Advent.  We have begun a new liturgical year.  Advent is a time of preparation and waiting, but we aren't just waiting to celebrate Christmas.  Today we are called to prepare for the 2nd Coming.  Not that we should all become Doomsday Preppers, but we are to be very mindful of our actions.  If we get lax, we will end up like the people of Noah's time - they ignored the  warnings until it was too late.
Paul coxes us to live in the light.  We are to overcome the temptations of darkness and firmly plant ourselves with Christ.  In Matthew's Gospel, Jesus urges us to anticipate and live as though the end is near.  Again, we are not to hoard our resources and hide out in a fortress.  But as we go about our everyday lives, we are to be mindful that we do not know when we will die or when Jesus will return.

As mothers with young children know, it is better to be prepared.  They usually have all of the items that would be needed in almost every circumstance.  Extra clothes, diapers, toys, snacks, etc.  It is not odd that they are ready for whatever happens.  In a similar way we are to be spiritually ready for whatever comes.  The interesting part is that we can prepare in our everyday activities.  The Gospel mentions the ordinary tasks in our lives.  We don't need to stockpile or build a bomb shelter to prepare.  We need to follow Christ and live according to His Word.  And we can do that every day of our lives.  God is just as present in the mundane parts of our lives as in the big events.

Challenge:  Let us take this opportunity to prepare our hearts for Christ's coming.  As we busy ourselves preparing our homes, gifts, meals, let us also actively open our hearts.  Jesus wants us to invite Him in each and every day of our lives.

Prayer:  Lord, thank you for the season of Advent.  May I use this time to prepare myself spiritually in anticipation of your Second Coming and the glory of Heaven.  

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