Sunday, May 25, 2014

6th Sunday of Easter - bittersweet 

Quick recap:
1st Reading - Acts 8 - early Church, adding believers
Psalm - Psalm 66 - Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.
Epistle - 1 Peter - be ready to give an explanation of your hope
Gospel - John 14 - I am with you always.

Today is bittersweet. I participated in an excellent liturgy with Fr. Matt and our community at the Newman Center. Sadly, it is his last Mass at Newman before he begins his new assignment. I anticipated this and knew today would be difficult, but the reality was so much more. My liturgical time begins with music practice, and we started reviewing songs and Mass parts. We had great participation at Mass, with beautiful voices through the chapel. It was a joy to sing together. The psalm was very personal for me, as I was leading it. I got to proclaim the joy of the earth! I especially appreciated the last stanza, 
"Here now, all you who fear God, while I declare what he has done for me. Blessed be God who refused me not my prayer or his kindness!"
The Gospel was very insightful, and we are reminded that God is always present, even if we cannot see God. We will not be left alone, and when we keep God's commandments we live our love for God. What a comfort to hear! This Gospel was especially fitting within the context of Fr. Matt's departure. Fr. Matt reassured us that even though he may not be physically present here, we are all united and connected as the Body of Christ. It is this promise that allows us to live through change and sadness and good-byes, because we know God is present. He asked for our prayers and promised his continued prayers for our community. My soul was touched by his words, and I recognized, even more, what a gift he has been in my life and to our community. My tears continued, as I truly participated in the prayers and responses. It was sad to know things would change, but joyful to know that we shared a faith that is greater than our sorrow. We sang a blessing for Fr. Matt that about did me in. Change is generally hard and uncomfortable, and sometimes unpleasant, but there is a joy in knowing that while many things change, our God does not change. As we heard in the Gospel,
"I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me, because I live and you will live."
Fr. Matt, my prayer for you is this - that while we will no longer see you physically, your spirit will remain with us. Through the great love you have for God, expressed in word and deed, our lives have been blessed. Your life proclaims your faith. A phrase from ordination sticks out: "Believe what you read, teach what you believe, and practice what you teach". So you have lived. Thank you for being Christ manifest.

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