Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The 11th Hour

I know I've got a few posts in the wings that need to come out, but I wanted to comment on something I heard at Mass Monday night.  In the last day(s) before Christmas, we must remember that we are still in Advent.  There may be lists and tasks and distractions, but our spiritual preparations are not yet finished.  There are still graces to be received, and we shouldn't rush ahead to Christmas without fully living the Advent season.  It's tough, I know.  As with most holidays (secular or religious-based), the day after the event marks the countdown to the next holiday!  As Christians, Christmas begins after Advent ends, and continues through to the Baptism of our Lord, celebrated 2 Sundays later, which hinges Christmas and Ordinary time in our liturgical year.  The twelve days of Christmas (which isn't just a long Christmas song) begin the day AFTER Christmas.

I'm as guilty as the next person, but the great thing is that I can change.  I will work on being mindful of the season, doing my best to be fully present in the present.  I challenge you to make a quick Advent prayer, perhaps asking for the graces that God wishes to impart in the final hours of this season of preparation.  What spiritual blessings are waiting for us, for our undivided attention?  

Prayer - Lord, it is sometimes tough to live in the present.  Help us focus on this time of preparation so that we can be receive Your abundant graces, just as the fields receive rain in due time.  Your timing is perfect; help us trust in You.

"Therefor be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord.  The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains.  You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near."  ~James 5:7-8

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