Sunday, March 09, 2014

The Spirit is leading me . . . into Daylight Savings Time?

Today, I heard the following idea.  Jesus gets the concept of Daylight Savings time; after all, He was in the desert without any way to tell time.  And today, everyone is fighting the clocks, trying to adjust to a 'new' time.  I think it's interesting that today's Gospel (see readings & reflection here) falls on the day we move our clocks.  It's a hassle, it messes our schedules up, it confuses things, and generally makes people cranky.  Or maybe it's just me.  Either way, it got me to thinking:  Maybe the we need to take a page out of the Gospel and let the Spirit lead us into a place (gasp) without clocks!

Does such a place exist?  Well, maybe not literally, since every electronic gadget and device that we can't seem to live without contains a clock or timer or some method of tracking time.  But, we most certainly can enter into a space of reflection and meditation, like Jesus, where we focus on God's call.  Think about it.  How many opportunities has the Spirit given you to grow closer to God?  Have you recognized them?  Maybe they were disguised as hardships or trials?  My goal is to be more mindful both during this season of Lent, and every day after.  The spirit is a-movin', if we just stop long enough to listen.

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