Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thankful Thursday 11/21

I am very thankful for the opportunity to read Scripture.  I am constantly amazed at how something I've heard previously (and maybe even frequently) can have a new meaning today.  I'm learning how Scripture is alive and relevant in all areas of my life.  I am slowly gaining an appreciation of preparing for liturgy by reading and reflecting on the Scripture.

This was not something that came easy for me.  I have a deep love of reading, but for many years the Bible did not fit my tastes.  It has only been in the last few years that I have been consistent and persistent in studying Scripture.  And it is in that time that I have grown in my love of it.  Which came first?  Well, I believe I was given the desire to know more, and because of that desire, I have sought to learn more.  Very chicken/egg, I know.  But that's God; the Alpha and Omega, with neither a beginning nor an end.

My recommendation?  Much like a lifestyle change, start small and go from there.  Maybe it seems overwhelming to tackle all of the readings.  Pick one to start.  Maybe a weekly bible study feels like a huge time commitment you just can't make.  Try bite sizes first.  If you are disciplined, you can read the Scriptures on your own for the weeks you can't attend.  If you're well-meaning but less disciplined, find an accountability partner.  Someone who can accept and adapt to your hectic schedule, but keep you mindful of your faith priorities.  It is well worth it.

Prayer - Lord, kindle in me a desire to know You more.  Help me yearn for the knowledge and truth of Your Word.  And, if necessary, place someone in my life who can help me stay on track.


1 comment:

Fitness Equipment said...

I've found that starting small in most things works the best.