Saturday, November 22, 2014

November 22 - Feast of St. Cecilia

Happy Feast Day to me!  Today is the feast of St. Cecilia, patron saint of musicians.  For obvious reasons, I also chose Cecilia as my confirmation name, so I have even more to celebrate.  I love that we have patron saints.  Why?  Well, just like I rely on experts in various areas (spiritual direction, health, learning, etc.), the saints fulfill the same role, with a spiritual focus.  Just the other day, I had an opportunity to invoke St. Anthony for help in finding something that was lost.  We had searched everywhere, and it was imperative that we find it back.  What was lost has since been found - thank you St. Anthony!  Again, similar to my health coach or tax consultant, I can petition the saints for direction, help, and clarity.  And, as I've discovered, I am much more likely to stay on track with guidance from the experts!

Take a moment to consider the saints in your life.  Which areas of your life could use a spiritual touch?  Consider reviewing a list of patron saints; you might be surprised at some of the categories - who knew there was a saint for that?!  Whether you invoke them daily or once a month does not matter.  Just as you would compile your sources for a term paper or prepare your references for a resume, you should know the saints.  Find the patron saint of something that interests you, and read up on the saint.  Why was s/he chosen as the patron saint?  What is the connection?  The saints lived life, faced trials, and struggled like all of us.  Learn from their experiences, and know that you have an ally in Heaven, ready to help.

St. Cecilia, you consecrated yourself to God, help us to live pure lives.  In the face of death, you sang with joy, help us to live joyfully.  St. Cecilia, patron of musicians, pray for us.

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