Sunday, November 02, 2014

Thankful Thursday 10/30/14 - life

So many things for which to be thankful.  I'm a little late on this post, so I'm going to encompass more than just my Thursday thanks.  This time of year has several meaningful moments.  The beauty of the leaves (even if I have to rake them up), the crisp air, and the bountiful harvest.  It is also the anniversary of buying my house - something that still surprises me.  Home ownership is an adventure of its own!  The opportunity to honor those who have died.  We have the Feast of All Saints (Nov 1) and All Souls (Nov 2).  There are so many people who have influenced my life and are now with God.  Minnie died on November 1, 2003.  She was a delightful lady who graciously agreed to be my adopted grandma.  My grandparents were all gone, and every Grandparents Day in grade school, I didn't have anyone to invite.  Minnie's grandchildren lived farther away, so it was a mutually beneficial arrangement.  I loved having her in my life and I know she still looks out for me.  Our relationship is the only real Grandparent relationship I knew.  What a blessing.

Death is difficult.  Loss is hard.  There are no words to fix things, or gifts to repair broken hearts.  I like to think that some healing occurs when we consciously remember our loved ones.  They are not lost to us forever.  Our relationship may have changed in the physical sense, but our connection remains.  I am very thankful that we have a day specially for our beloved dead, but I know that for most of us who have grieved, our memories are not limited to one day.  So I am even more thankful for life; for the opportunity to have lived and loved those souls who are no longer physically among us, as well as the comfort of knowing they are only a prayer away.

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