Tuesday, August 05, 2014

A grateful heart

There are so many blessings in my life right now.  Even with the stress and fear that the uncertainty of a loved one's health, I am blessed.  It overwhelms me.  I'm listening to my current playlist called 'Meditation' and I am remembering my blessings.  A wonderful evening spent with a kindred soul, a quick text from a friend, a letter in the mail, looking at the smiling face of my goddaughter; all of these things are pieces of my life, things that feed my soul.  What have I done to earn this?  Nothing.  If that's true, then how can I keep these things from slipping away?  I can't.  But I have faith in God, and comfort in the knowledge that God is certain, even if nothing else makes sense.  

I pick up lots of interesting pieces of information and quotes that catch my attention.  I came across this gem again, and it fit so well with my current thoughts, I wanted to share it here:

"Being grateful makes us happy! Not the other way around, we are not necessary grateful when we become happy, however a grateful heart becomes happy without fail! Find something to be grateful about in every moment, I guarantee you, you will know happiness in every moment. You don't have to be grateful for the bad situations, but in every situation, you can chose to find something to be grateful about, to focus on the good, to count your blessings, there is always! Look at the sun, the moon, the stars, how beautiful and how blessed we are have them at our service!!!"  ~Immaculee
I had the privilege of hearing Immaculee speak at an event last year.  Her story is inspirational and amazing.  I highly recommend her books, especially "Left to Tell".  I want to be a person with a grateful heart.  I want to radiate that love and joy in my life.

Prayer - Lord, I am so easily overwhelmed in my life that I lose focus on You.  Help me to see with the eyes of my heart and to know the beauty that exists even in the midst of sadness and pain.  You are my constant. 

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