Wednesday, August 27, 2014

This moment

What does God want me to get out of this moment?

A very wise person (who happens to be my sister) encouraged me to ponder this question after I called her wanting a magic wand to solve life's questions and problems.  I had arrived at an impasse, and there was really nothing I could do but wait.  Not my action of choice, especially at that moment.  I was frustrated, anxious, irritable, tired, and confused.  She managed to put things in perspective when she shared something she had read, which her spiritual director had shared with her.  (Thank goodness for spiritual directors!)  As I was contemplating my feelings, next actions, and life in general, she suggested that I stop and ask myself, 'What does God want me to get out of this moment?'

Maybe it was the opportunity to practice patience.  Or so I could be motivated to think about things differently.  Maybe it was so I would call my sister.  I don't know the answer, but I do know that there is a very valuable lesson for me.  The only way I will discover the answer is to be in conversation with God.  To look at this situation through God's lens gives me a whole new perspective.  Rather than feel helpless or frustrated, I can grow, if I am willing to let go.  I guess that's why people say, 'Have faith.'  We may not have all the details, the road map, or a Sherpa to guide us, but we have God.  Sometimes we have to let go of our small plans to receive better ones.

So, I will live in the moment, and do the best I can, while God prepares and molds me.  It's not easy, but it will be worth it.

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