Friday, August 22, 2014

Thankful Thursday 8/21/14

Yesterday was amazing, I can't even begin to capture it in words.  I guess spending the morning in prayer, meditation, and reflection in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament can do that to a person :)  The Newman Center retreat had us focus on our life and where it is going.  One of the reflections was the requisite, 'where do you see yourself in 5 years?'  I find it fascinating how our answers to those types of questions evolves over the years.  I remember when I was debating about attending graduate school, and my dad posed this question to me, "Do you want to be 4 years older or 4 years older with a degree?"  That cleared up a lot of hesitation on my part, and I ended up 4 years older with a degree!

Now, that same question gets little more gray and a little less obvious.  I'm not sure how my college-age self would have responded, but I'm very happy with my life and the path I'm on.  I haven't always made the best choices, and I put myself through many trials, but they've helped shape me to the person I am today.  I know I will probably take the easy road when I shouldn't, or I'll add a detour or two when I could have taken a more direct path.  I'm trying to do better about talking to God before I plunge forward, instead of begging God to fix my mess after I got off track!  There are still things I try to control, even when I am reminded to let go and let God.  Ultimately, I want to become the best version of myself.  So that's where I see me 5 years from now.  Let's become saints together, shall we?

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