Thursday, August 14, 2014

St. Maximilian Kolbe

"No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends."  ~John 15:13

Growing up, the stories of the saints fascinated me.  They seemed like a fable, imparting wisdom, but distant from my reality.  Today we celebrate the feast of a great saint who lived in the recent past and demonstrated the greatest gift - love of another.  I encourage you to read and learn more about this saint.

Could we do what he did?  His love of the Blessed Mother was his strength, and it showed in every aspect of his life.  He truly understood what it meant to love one another.  Love does not see skin color, creed, or religious affiliation.

Prayer - Lord, help me to be love in this world, especially when it is hard.  I am called to love every person, not just those I already love.  May I follow in the footsteps of your servant, Maximilian Kolbe.  

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