Sunday, August 10, 2014

Distractions part 1

I had a conversation last week about distractions, and surprise, surprise, we got distracted!  The conversation went something like this:
'Did you print that report for me?'
'No, I'm sorry.  I got distracted.'
'That's okay - you have a lot of things to distract you.  My friend would call that ADOS.'
'Attention Deficit - Oooohhhhh Shiny!'
Laughter ensues.  Cue curtain.

I still smile when I think of that conversation.  Humor is definitely healing.  However, there is a truth to that statement that interrupts our lives and disrupts our relationship with God and others.  Ever since that day, I've been more aware of the distractions in life.  I know - there will always be something to distract us.  I believe, however, that we can and should work to prevent distractions from ruling our lives.  If we don't, all we do is flit from one shiny thing to another.  I think there is another way.
So, let me first talk about distractions.  Dictionary definition:
  1. 1.
    a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.
    "the company found passenger travel a distraction from the main business of moving freight"

  2. 2.
    extreme agitation of the mind or emotions.
    "he knew she was nervous by her uncharacteristic air of distraction"
    synonyms:frenzyhysteria, mental distress, madnessinsanitymaniaMore

Personally, I use the term rather loosely.  Here are some things I have termed 'distractions':  a link to a funny website, a request at work that makes me stop everything else I'm doing so as to fulfill the request, an article that catches my attention, a family health concern, a friend's prayer request, playing a game on my phone, checking my email as a way to avoid something, reading a book.  Obviously, not all distractions are created equally, nor are they intrinsically bad.  (side note - I got distracted while writing about distractions - how's that for a conundrum?)  

Consider the different types of distraction that I listed.  Being distracted by a family health concern or a prayer request is a good thing.  Those should take priority.  Likewise with an important task at work.  Playing a game on my phone isn't bad in itself, and it might provide a much-needed break from something, but if it's done in place of a more important task, that's a problem.  As I've become more aware of the distractions in my life, I've also noticed what things are pushed aside due to distractions.  Commitments, prayer time, chores, etc.  Life happens, and distractions are part of life, but it is very easy to only live in the distractions - even the really important ones - and fail to return to the purpose of our life.  I believe we are created for the service of God, to develop a personal relationship with God, with the goal of becoming a saint.  We are made for Heaven, not earth.  Yet if I stop to check my email before I say good morning to God, I've allowed a distraction to become my reality.  

What distractions exist in your life?  If you honestly evaluate your life, are you spending your time in such a way as to achieve your ultimate life goal?  

Prayer - Lord, You know me better than I know myself.  I am easily distracted.  Help me to become more mindful about my distractions, so as to not let them deter me from my true course in life.

Part 2 coming :-)

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