Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Day 11

We have arrived home from our incredible journey.  We might be a little tired and bedraggled, but hopefully we return wiser than when we left.  I'm not saying that a person must leave the country to change, but I do believe that we must continue to journey, in our own way, in order to grow.  That mentality doesn't require any passport or visa.  

I still want to pinch myself to be sure that this hasn't all been a dream.  I was reading the meditation for today in connection with today's scriptures.  The Gospel talked about the man with the withered hand. The commentary referenced other times Jesus healed, including the man at the pool of Bethsaida!  We were there!!!  Craziness.

On the flight back, I was asked about my next destination.  I smiled to think about what might be next . . . The footsteps of JPII and St. Faustina or Lourdes or who knows!?  Maybe I will visit every place or one or none of them.  The point is that it is not the destination as much as the journey.  Life is to be lived, in whatever way God calls.

May we all have the strength and courage to live that call.  "I can do all things through him who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

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